A Time to Remodel

4-minute read

My brother-in-law, Jeremy, started and runs an amazing custom home business in Houston, Texas called Brickmoon Design.

They do beautiful work. (Want proof? Go HERE.)

For the last few years, Jeremy’s had more work than he—and his employees—have known what to do with.

But, like most businesses, this current season has brought a slowdown.

In the current economic climate, people are less likely to splurge on new home builds.

Last week, though, Jeremy signed a new client.

For a remodel.

Brickmoon does a ton of remodels each year—so doing a remodel isn’t unusual.

It just seemed like an unusual time for someone to look at their home and think, “You know what? Now’s a great time to spend some money and fix this place up.”

What if right now, though, is the best time for a remodel?

What if with all that’s going on, now’s the right time to look at what’s around you, reconsider how it’s functioning for you, and decide to change it up?

I’m kind of talking about homes… but I’m more so talking about ourselves.

What if now is the right season to remodel our hearts?


One time, Jesus was sitting on a hillside in front of a group of people, hungry to hear what this wild man—this Son of God—had to say.

He taught them all sorts of things—marriage and making promises and loving people who are mean to you and not taking revenge and giving to the poor and how to pray and not worrying and not judging people. 

Then, at the end of his big giant teaching (a sermon, I guess), Jesus finished with a great metaphor.

In effect, he said…

Everyone who hears all that I’m teaching and lives them out is like somebody who had to build a house… and chose to build that house on top of a big, solid rock. When rains come and winds blow and that house takes a beating, it won’t fall down because it was built on a rock.

But everyone who hears all that I teach and doesn’t do squat with it is like someone who had to build a house… and built it on a sandy beach. When the rains and winds come and go at that house, that house will fall. With a crash. A big, loud, crash. Gone.

Seems like it’s been raining and blowing a lot, lately, hasn’t it?


This is the season of the storm

A health storm, an economic storm, a social storm. 

It’s blowing sideways rain at each and every one of us.

For some people, this storms is highlighting a major, major flaw in the foundation of their lives.

They’re realizing their entire lives have been built on sand.

As they discover that their money isn’t going to save them… and that their fragile careers can’t be relied upon to give them security and meaning… and that even they are susceptible to sickness and maybe even death (sooner than they’d ever imagined)… and that their closest relationships (the ones in their homes) aren’t as steadying as expected… they watching as their lives—their “houses” in Jesus’ parlance—are coming unmoored. 

The foundation they thought was rock is being seen for what it is: trillions of tiny, salty pebbles, unable to hold anything up in a storm.

This is a rude awakening.

But rude awakenings can lead to another kind of awakening: a spiritual awakening.

This is when someone realizes that what they’ve built their life upon isn’t cutting it.

And they need a new foundation.

This is when they see their need for God.

For Jesus.

For His salvation.

In Jeremy’s language, this would be a “scrape and new build.” 

You have to start all over if you want to completely redo the foundation.

This is a tough path, but it’s a good one. It’s an eternally good one. It’s when people switch from building their lives on their own efforts, and turn to building them on Jesus.

But what about for us people who have been Jesus-followers for awhile? What’s going on with us?

For us, this is a time to remodel.


My life isn’t completely falling apart right now.

It can’t fully, right? As a Jesus-follower, my life is built on the foundation of Jesus. 

But that doesn’t mean this storm isn’t highlighting some things that need to be adjusted.

In other words, it’s highlighting a need for a remodel.

This season is showing me that I still have a tendency to drift towards fear and anxiety.

It’s showing me that I’m still prone to stare off in quiet moments and think of all the worst case “What if?” scenarios… and imagine a future without Jesus and His goodness working in my life (what someone said is the definition of anxiety).

I’m discovering that I still like to think that my efforts to produce good things in the world could—and should?—give my life meaning.

I’m seeing that my faith is a little more fragile than I’d thought. What do I believe when all of life isn’t rosy and jake?

These realizations aren’t easy…

But they’re good.

They highlight that, in fact, I haven’t been building all of my life on living out Jesus’ teachings.

It shows me that I’ve basically “taken under advisement” His instruction not to worry…

And to not to try to “gain the whole world” in exchange for my soul…

And how it’s better to “seek first His kingdom” than anything else.

My house hasn’t fallen down… but I’m seeing some tilt and some cant and some sway.

And it’s there that I need a remodel.


When Jeremy does a remodel, he goes in, assesses what the owner doesn’t like about the current set-up, advises on what needs to be torn down, and then paints a word picture of what things could be like once they’ve been redone.

He doesn’t judge the owner. He doesn’t get all mad and frustrated and go, “How have you lived this way this long you sad pathetic so-and-so!”

He smiles and helps.

And I believe that’s what God does with us.

When we realize the need for some life remodel…

He shows up…

And listens…

And nods…

And tells you what needs to go…

And then paints a picture of how much better things will be.

He smiles… and then He helps.

I’d be wise to take advantage of His good remodeling in my life.


What’s this storm highlighting in you?

Are you getting a sense of what might be broken—leaning and wobbly—in your life?

Have you put more stock in your money, efforts, career, health, or social standing than maybe you should have?

I have.

It’s okay. God’s on the scene.

Tell Him.

Let His kindness wash over you.

Receive His love for you in that.

Repent! (Just tell Him you’ve done the wrong thing and you want to do the right thing.)

Then, let Him paint a picture of what this newly remodeled area of your life can be like…

Listen to His instruction, teaching, and guidance…

And walk with Him.

Walk with the one who loves you… cares for you… knows best…

And is, strangely, moving in mighty ways in this odd, odd season…

This time to remodel.